Never Spray and Pray!

2 min readJun 17, 2024


Tailor it, Now!

Tailoring Your Resume for Each Job Application is Crucial

The common advice is to apply to as many jobs as possible, right? But here's the twist-it's not about quantity, it's about quality.

Stop wondering, and bear in mind that the secret lies in tailoring. A one-size-fits-all resume is like wearing flip-flops to a formal event. It just doesn't fit.

Another Reason Why;

ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) are programmed to filter out generic resumes. If your resume doesn’t match the job description closely, it might never reach human eyes. A startling fact reveals that over 70% of resumes never get read by a real person because they fail to pass the ATS.

If you wouldn’t wear an ill-fitting suit to an important meeting, so why send a generic resume to your dream job? Think of tailoring your resume like customizing a suit.

Haven said all that, here's my Free tips to make you stand out!

1. Analyze the Job Description: Highlight the key skills and qualifications mentioned. Make sure your resume reflects these requirements.

2. Use Relevant Keywords: Incorporate keywords from the job posting into your resume. This helps in getting past the ATS filters. (The HM may add some more instructions to the programming)

3. Customize Your Summary: Tailor your professional summary to align with the job you’re applying for. Mention the company’s name and how your skills can benefit them.

I hope you find these tips helpful?

However, if you want to dive deeper into how you can tailor your resume effectively? Reach out to me on X !

I offer personalized resume services that ensure your application gets the attention it deserves.

Let's turn those crickets into calls!

See you in the next one👍🏼




Cv/Resume & Cover letter Architect || Self-improvement preacher || Literature Buff | soccer player-all with a side of Humor | Been learning the hard way.